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Versions and releases


The cameo project contains five main projects Server, Console, Java API, C++ API, Python API that have their own version but are dependent.

Here are the rules for the definition of the version of a project among Server, Console, Java API, C++ API, Python API:

  • Major: Incremented for all the projects. A new value means that the server is not compatible with a client with a smaller major version.

  • Minor: If a project among the five has a new functionality, its new minor value is the maximum of the current five minor values plus one. The Python API minor value must be the same as C++ API and the binding should be updated when the C++ API is updated. If the same functionality is implemented in Server, C++ API, Java API, they can all have the same new minor value.

E.g. the new version of Java API with current versions Server = 1.3.1, Console = 1.2.0, Java API = 1.3.3, C++ API = 1.4.1 is 1.5.0.

  • Revision: Each project has its own revision value that is incremented when a bug fix or an optimization is done.

When we need to tag the global cameo project:

  • Major: Same as the five projects.
  • Minor: Maximum of the current five minor values.
  • Revision: Its own revision value that is incremented when a new tag is made with existing major and minor values.

New release

When making a new release, follow the steps:

  • Check the package versions in the CMakeLists.txt files of the different five projects. The version of the CAMEO project at the root is not used but should follow the global tag rule.
  • Tag the global project. Add release notes so that gitlab considers it is a release.
  • Generate the deb packages using
  • Add the packages in the releases directory of the wiki sources of CAMEO.
  • Add the packages as assets in the gitlab edit release page of the version.
    E.g. for the version 1.1.0, the base link is

Develop on a branch

Sometimes we need to develop two branches on the same machine. Developing an alternative version can be done. Download the alternative version:

git clone --branch v1
Compile the Java sources:
cd cameo
mvn clean install
Access the server full jar:
Access the console full jar:

Compile and install the C++ API sources into a temporary directory e.g. /tmp/cameo-install :

cd cameo-api-cpp
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/tmp/cameo-install ..
cmake --build . --target install
Access the include and .so files from the temporary directory.