The Java, C++ and Python tests can be run using either jzmq or jeromq.
Open a shell and go to the root CAMEO directory:
Set the PATH variable so that the C++ programs are found:
export PATH=build/tests/cpp:build/cpp/proxy:$PATH
If necessary, set the PYTHONPATH variable so that the cameopy module is found e.g.:
export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/install/lib/python3/dist-packages:$PYTHONPATH
You may have to verify that python is defined (install python-is-python3 package on Ubuntu).
Select jzmq or jeromq Java library.
Case jzmq:
export CLASSPATH=tests/java/jzmq/target/cameo-tests-jzmq-full.jar
You shall define the variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that libjzmq.so is found:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/libjzmq
Case jeromq:
export CLASSPATH=tests/java/jeromq/target/cameo-tests-jeromq-full.jar
Open a standard prompt and go to the CAMEO root directory. Then set the PATH:
set PATH=build\examples\cpp\Release;build\cpp\proxy\Release;%PATH%
Set the CLASSPATH to use jeromq:
set CLASSPATH=tests\java\jeromq\target\cameo-tests-jeromq-full.jar
If necessary, set the PYTHONPATH variable so that the cameopy module is found e.g.:
set PYTHONPATH=build\python\api\Release;%PYTHONPATH%
Run the tests
Run all the tests with 10 iterations for each individual test:
java eu.ill.cameo.test.TestSelector all 10
Start only the java tests:
java eu.ill.cameo.test.TestSelector java 10
Start only the C++ tests:
java eu.ill.cameo.test.TestSelector cpp 10
Start only the Python tests:
java eu.ill.cameo.test.TestSelector python 10
Display the available tests:
java eu.ill.cameo.test.TestSelector
Start a specific test:
java eu.ill.cameo.test.TestSelector testsimplejava 100
Test the Java unmanaged application:
Start the server in a specific shell
java eu.ill.cameo.server.Server tests/java/tests.xml
Start the application:
java eu.ill.cameo.test.Stop "{\"name\":\"stop\", \"server\":\"tcp://localhost:11000\"}"
Then kill the application that should disappear from the list of applications.
Test the C++ unmanaged application
stop "{\"name\":\"stop\", \"server\":\"tcp://localhost:11000\"}"