JZMQ or JeroMQ?
CAMEO provides three Java projects and a C++ project. ZeroMQ is written in C and using it in Java projects can be done:
CAMEO can use both as they follow the same interface, so that they can be easily replaced. However some differences exist:
- JZMQ has better performances than JeroMQ.
- JZMQ is more difficult to configure as the dynamic library of ZeroMQ must be accessible.
- JZMQ is no longer developped. It is thus preferrable to use JeroMQ if no blockings are encountered.
JZMQ compilation
JeroMQ does not require any compilation because the jar is downloaded from a Maven repository. However if the JZMQ Java jar is downloaded from a Maven repository, the C dynamic library must be compiled if not accessible from a package.
- On Debian, we use the package libzmq-jni.
- On Windows 7 64bits, we compiled JZMQ using Visual Studio 2015 as explained in this page but we needed to add the configuration x64 for the project JZMQ.
JSON libraries
In the Java API, we currently use json-simple that is very simple but performant. Other libraries are less performant so that we decided to keep it.